Panther Web Administration -- Create A Season

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Add a season to a sport, then add divisions to the season, teams and games to the divisions, and members to the teams.

Panther Sports Club
 Sport   ID   Memo  
 Basketball   BB   <a href=https://stre...   
 Club Volleyball   CV   îíëàéí êàçèíî ñ äåïî...   
 Fast-Pitch Softball   FP   What information do ...   
 Slow-Pitch Softball   SP   <SCRIPT TYPE="text/j...   
 Season   ID   Starts   Ends   Min age by   Memo 
 2006   2006   5/1/2006   6/30/2006   9/1/2006   <h1>2006 Girls Softb...  UpdateDelete 
 2005   2005   5/1/2005   6/30/2005   9/1/2005   <h1>Board Election a...  UpdateDelete 
 2004   2004   5/1/2004   6/30/2004   9/1/2004   <h3><u><b><i>2004 SE...  UpdateDelete 
 Traveling Basketball   TB   Òîâàðèùè! Èùåòå îïòè...   
 Volleyball   VB   Ù†ÙˆÛŒØ³Ù†Ø¯Ù‡ ایÙ...