The Poston Memorial
Monument was built in the summer of 1992 mainly through
volunteer efforts by members and friends of the Poston Memorial Monument
Committee. Donations from survivors and decedents of survivors from
the three Poston Camps financed the project. The Colorado River Indian
Tribal Council granted use of one acre of land on which the monument
and kiosk are built. The monument is on Mohave road in Poston AZ and
is a short distance from the site of the original Camp I. The designers
of the monument, Ray Takata and Stephan Hamamoto, say that the single
30 foot concrete pillar of the monument symbolizes "unity of spirit".
The hexagonal base represents a Japanese stone lantern. The 12 small
pillars situated around the monument make it a working sundial. The
monument was finished off with trees and landscaping materials also
donated by Camp I detainees and there families.

Poston Memorial Monument
In 1995 the committee members and
volunteers returned to the site to add a kiosk to the monument. The
kiosks' bronze plates detail the history of the Poston Internment Camps
and CRIT. It is also built to represent a Japanese stone lantern.

Poston Memorial Monument Kiosk